​Den prisvindende og anmelderroste Adam Scott-Rowley har med sit seneste show, YOU ARE GOING TO DIE, skabt en totalt nøgen fremført neglebidende nedstigning i eksistentiel angst! En surrealistisk meditation om udslettelse af menneskeheden. Men det er også en fælles renselse, der oplyser de mørkeste hjørner af det menneskelige sind og afslører medfølelse og meget humor på de mest usandsynlige steder.

Adam Scott-Rowley forvandler og glider sig vej gennem alle karaktererne – skabningernes følelser og arketyper af alt, hvad du elsker og hader ved din egen eksistens.

YOU ARE GOING TO DIE sætter lys på de mørkeste hjørner af den menneskelige psyke, tænder medfølelse på de mest usandsynlige steder og giver os alle mulighed for at genopstå fra dybet sammen med venlighed, humor, ydmyghed og lys. Det hele bundet sammen med genkendelige og hysterisk humoristiske tråde.




Adam Scott-Rowley

Kunstnerisk hold

Created and Performed by: ADAM SCOTT-ROWLEY


Lighting Design: MATT CATER

Pressecitater og anmeldelser

“Scott-Rowley’s incredible physical performance is utterly captivating, holding the audience with every pained gesture and moment of levity.” – British Theatre Guide

“The overall effect is both monstrous and magical. Magical because, here, dying is framed, not as a process of atrophy, but rather as an act of accretion or accumulation: a celebration, a natural gathering of speed and experience, a means of moving towards the end, unafraid.” – The Skinny​

“YOU ARE GOING TO DIE is a physical theatre masterpiece. It is entirely absorbing, entertaining, humorous but hitting really poignant spots in every audience member.” – Get the Chance Wales

“A crowd-pleasing, brilliantly vulgar spectacle… it serves as a jubilant, much-needed, collective catharsis..” – Fringe Biscuit

“Takes you places you’d never dream of or dare to step into of your own volition..” – The Theatre Times

“Exquisitely absurd physical theatre in a cyclical rhythm, create a world of utter existential dread, which, much like death, there is no escaping.” – The Student​

“Nobody does character work like Adam Scott-Rowley. He’s the most fascinating, defiant, mind-tingling performance artist you’ll ever see.” – Everything Theatre

“Physically astonishing and vocally brilliant 60 minutes hovers between tragedy and farce, dread and hilarity.” – Lyn Gardner for The Stage​

“Scott-Rowley is a remarkably talented performer, who feels less like he’s playing these strange creatures than being possessed by them.” – The Scotsman

“An exhortation to embrace life – in all its richness, its strangeness and, yes, its degradations – while we can..” – The Arts Desk

“Adam Scott-Rowley’s characterisation and physicality are a wonder to behold..” – Shy Strange Manic

“Just incredible performance skills that are second to none.” – Theatre Reviews Design
